Window manufacturing - News

Knowledge Power for Window Manufacturers

Successful event for automation within trades

On October 22nd. there was the concentrated knowledge power for window manufacturers in Karlsdorf-Neuthard. All the Companies which were significantly involved in the machine project of Trüb Fensterbau GmbH invited to the Leicht-event room.

The participants received first-hand, well-founded practical knowledge for "automation within trades" through lectures and a factory tour".

The specialist lectures came from the Companies: GUTMANN Bausysteme GmbH, Horst Klaes GmbH & Co. KG, Leicht Fenster und Türen GmbH, Michael Weinig AG, Raimund Drißner as consultant for window construction, Roto Frank Fenster- und Türentechnologie GmbH, Trüb Fensterbau GmbH and Zuani Deutschland GmbH. As a special guest, the former football professional Marco (Toni) Sailer from hk2 GmbH was also present with an important topic for the trade.

Thorsten Leicht introduced the event thematically with his approach "Craftsmanship is still craftsmanship despite automation". Using his own Company as an example, he was able to show the progress that has been made in the production of windows and doors, timber construction and solar solutions in the so-called "craft 2.0".

Building on the more than 100-year history of the Leicht Group, he demonstrated very impressively that automation is not only pursued in his Company in production but also in the products for Smart Home or in the own organisation with digital workflows in ELO and the Klaes Info-Manager.

Siegfried Weber from Weinig naturally also dealt with the subject of automation. With the question of what the great challenge in window construction is, he systematically presented: The required variety of systems in small batch sizes, very high quality and flexibility, cost-effectiveness and on-time production.

The solution: modern production processes with online control, no/minimum set-up times, automated production, low staffing levels and complete processing.

Marco (Toni) Sailer, together with his colleague Daniel Röber, examined the topic of the shortage of skilled workers. The former professional footballer is a trained banker and after his football career specialised in company pension schemes.

In addition to the shortage of skilled workers, they spoke about staff turnover, employee needs and management tools. After all, the craft trade sector needs meaningful and affordable incentives to compete with other companies.

The other lectures

TRÜB: Klaus Trüb and Raimund Drißner, consultants for window construction
With the course of a consultation and their own view of the machine project, they laid the foundation for the subsequent factory tour. But it was also about shaping the future and the positive effects of Raimund Drißner's advice.

KLAES: Achim Binder
Besides general information about the Klaes Software, the course of a project discussion was outlined. Important aspects are always possibilities for optimisation, the speed of the complete implementation and Klaes' great experience. Even if, as with Trüb, not only the control system is new, but the software is completely changed.

GUTMANN: Werner Spohn and Werner Tober
The wood-aluminium systems provide a maximum of design freedom and the modular systems fulfil almost every performance characteristic. The TWT system was developed in cooperation with Zuani Germany to optimise production.

ZUANI: Martin Rauscher
As a tool manufacturer, they now see themselves as service providers for wooden window manufacturers. He impressively presented the extensive tasks and services using the project example of Trüb: modern window geometries, machine parameters and tool requirements.

Due to their own Corona guidelines they could not participate, therefore a video about the Roto NX was shown.

After the presentations and a joint lunch, during which of course a lot was already discussed, the afternoon's agenda included a tour of the TRÜB plant. Everything that was presented in theory in the morning could be examined in detail in practice. Individual questions were answered directly during the tour and were also explained in detail during the open exchange after the tour.

The joint planning under the leadership of Jens Johanni (Klaes Sales South) and the support of the Leicht-Group made this great event possible despite the current situation.

The very positive feedback of the participants confirmed the "small scale" and encourages further activities of this kind. Many thanks to all participants and partners!

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